Saturday 9 February 2013

LCT series

An early start today for a trek over to Llangollen in Wales to do a series that's recently caught the eye. It was snowing when I awoke at 4.45am but was not sticking but by the time Paul (Blokiebloke) turned up it had turned to rain. We headed on over to Griff's (BaggieDave) house as he kindly said he would do the driving today.
We met up with James (Pfaffabouters) & Emma (Shorty Pfaffabouter) at McDonalds, Shrewsbury for breakfast and then we headed off to park one car at the near end of the series.
James parked his car and then we headed off to start the series after grabbing a few drive by's on the way.

LCT series

A lovely walk along the canal being approximately 14 miles in length. There are 84 caches in the series but with there are also others on the route. It took us just over 7 hours car to car but we did take a couple of diversions with one being a walk into Llangollen.
We started off with a multi and then hit the series proper. Right from the very first cache we knew that the c/o had made a lot of effort in camo'ing the caches but after the first couple we knew what to look for, but muggles would have no idea.

The weather was foggy but we were very lucky and didn't feel any rain at all during the walk

There were quite a few muggles on the canal today and a few took a genuine interest in what we were doing, some I personally spoke to myself even asked what the website was and wrote it down with the intention of joining.

The view between caches 1 & 2

We're well on our way.

We were on a roll and by the time we got to Llangollen town we decided to divert for a couple of caches and a quick coffee break. Llangollen was lovely, it was great to see the railway next to the river and we even had a glimpse of Thomas the Tank Engine and all gave him a wave.


The River Dee

After the drink we headed back to the canal and after a short while we arrived and walked over the Pontsycyllte Aqueduct, this was definately one of the highlights of this caching trip as it is the longest and highest aquaduct in Britain.

Walking along the aquaduct

View from aquaduct

We did a great little puzzle cache which final GZ was in the vicinity of Aquaduct.... Coin Exchange and then we carried on with the canal caches.

After finding many more caches and then encountering our only 2 dnf's of the series we soon arrived at Chirk tunnel which was 421m long and as it exits goes straight into Chirk aquaduct. There was a cache inside the tunnel ... Tunnel Vision fortunately for us, we made a very quick find indeed.

View of tunnel after we exited.

Chirk Aquaduct

So onwards with the last few caches in which we also found our 100th of the day, we entered back into England shortly before returning to the other car.

Back to England

So back at the car were 5 weary cachers, we decided to grab some more caches on route back to other car and then went for a celebratory drink in a pub in Llangollen. We then did a couple more caches in the town and paid a visit to a lovely Fish and chip shop before returning to our cars and making our separate ways.

Paul, Griff and I had one more swift drink and decided that we should try to beat Griff's pb of 118 in a day, which we successfully achieved.

Thanks to all the great company on the day and to the cache owners for bringing us over this way.

Total caches bagged today is 122.

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